What Warriors Rank Are You? (Part One)

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Make sure this paragraph is at least 150 characters long. I didnt have a description, so i put random stuff. What is the devils phone #? 1134. I haf 150 now

Created by: Sandpelt09
  1. What is your favorite thing to do in free time?
  2. What do you do to help?
  3. React to a dog attack.
  4. A cat you hate is dying. Do you care?
  5. Who is better- Tigerstar or Firestar?
  6. Where do you often visit to train?
  7. Bonus Questions! What clan is your fave?
  8. Fave warrior series?
  9. Fave TC Lead?
  10. Fave SC Lead?
  11. Fave RC Lead?
  12. Fave WC Lead?
  13. Fave SKC Lead?

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Quiz topic: What Warriors Rank am I? (Part One)
