What Warrior Cat OC Are You?

Warriors. le wonderous world of Warriors. have you ever wanted to be a warrrior? Maybe you did? Well, meet three OC's. Three sisters. ready, set... QUIZ TIME (not)

The three sisters are........................................ Just kidding! you have to find out for yourself! Well then.......................... ENJOY!

Created by: Leafshadow
  1. What rank would you like to be someday?
  2. Are you evil?
  3. Do you like Cheez-its?
  4. RP time! Your walking along the border when your ambushed by a loner. What will you do?
  5. You later find out that the loner is your mother! What shall you do?
  6. You find out your expecting kits! But then you find out the father is a loner...
  7. Favorite color?
  8. Would you have kits if you could?
  9. What do you look like?
  10. Last question... DO YOU LIKE WAFFLES?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cat OC am I?