What warrior cat are you

This is a good quiz based off of the best selling book series warriors take this fun test to find out what cat you are I hope you enjoy this tell me how fun or not fun it is by putting a thumbs up or a thumbs down

Take meeeeeee I am a fun quiz created so you can unlock the innnnnerrr feline inside. Of you please comment on how good or bad you think this quiz is.

Created by: BoBcAt123
  1. What clan
  2. What prey do you eat
  3. Do you save your leader or your best friend choose one
  4. What do you think of darkness
  5. What do you want to be
  6. You see a cat about to cross the border what do you do
  7. Where are you in a battle
  8. You have a cat that you love in another clan what do you do
  9. You see a kit about to be attacked by a fox but he wants to be a warrior what do you do
  10. What pelt color do you have

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Quiz topic: What warrior cat am I
