What Venturiantale Sibling are You

So this quiz isn't fully true I barely know anything about Venturiantale, but you can tell your friends who you think you are! And if you don't know who Venturiantale is he is a youtuber!

Now if you take these tests for fun like me, you don't really care. But if you take the test for seriousness I'm sorry. So if you ask then why did you make it I don't know!

Created by: Alyson
  1. Which sibling do you like the best?
  2. What thing do you like the best?
  3. Do you like the boys the best or the girls?
  4. What age are you close to?
  5. What is your personality?
  6. What kind of hairstyle do you like?
  7. Pick one it doesn't do anything.
  8. Pick which one you like.
  9. Do you like math?

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Quiz topic: What Venturiantale Sibling am I