what unique Dino you are?

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This is a quiz that you will discover what unique Dino you are! Contains: Zalmoxes, khaan,quaezitosaurus, therezinosaurus, dunkleosteus and herrerasaurus!!

Random words gbyuggvvhhfivihuvihghkghighigjhvgjhhhbkkhghgkkhghjjhhgjhjgghjhjghjjhgjhghjhjgghjhjgjhgghjhjghgjhjhfghjhgjghjhgjhjjhgghjggjhgjghhgjghjhgjghjghghjjg

Created by: Fladragon
  1. Nocturnal or daytime? (Check this in my other quiz)
  2. Did you know meow?
  3. You know sing?
  4. If you are going to do a activity, what one will be?
  5. If you will get a element, what one will be?
  6. Which food!
  7. You are walking with your group, when a BIG enemy Dino invades your group. What you do with your group?
  8. What you like?
  9. Your size?
  10. You are good at:
  11. You are
  12. You are in a journey, where you want to go
  13. Last why you selected this quiz

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