What type of person are you?

this is a quiz to see who you really are by your favorites, what you do, and what you like. there are 4 catagories. you cant know what they are until the end. i wont tell you.so just take this quiz before you cant. so i suggest you get it over with this..

so, just take the quiz and in about...... however long it takes you to read you will be done with this and find out who you really are. no lying. you should really tell the truth, cause if you dont, whoever it says you are destined to be will be a lie! so dont lie!!!!!!!

Created by: Xena McDonald
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you love animals...
  2. your favorite color is...
  3. you love...
  4. you and your crush are...
  5. your style is...
  6. your favorite place to go would be...
  7. your favorite animal is...
  8. your friends think of you as...
  9. do you care about yourself?
  10. you belive you...

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Quiz topic: What type of person am I?