What Type of Paleoconservative am I?

This is a quiz that tells you which of the three types of paleoconservatism that is closest to your political ideology. Only try to take it if you are a conservative.

The three types of paleoconservatism on this test are: Classical Paleoconservatism, Neo-Paleoconservatism, and Theocratic Paleoconservatism. And this is it.

Created by: Xzapel
  1. I would be labeled as "alt-right".
  2. I am a monarchist.
  3. I believe that white people should be the majority race in America.
  4. I believe that capitalism must be morally regulated. (regulating p---, drugs, etc.).
  5. I believe that America should be a theocracy or should at least promote Christian morals and values.
  6. I believe that there should be a nobility class in America.
  7. Which of these political commentators do you most identify with?
  8. Which politician do you identify with most?
  9. What is your preferred economic system?
  10. What is your ideal form of government

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