What type of girl do you like? (Guys only)

If you are single, you may be wondering what type of girl would be best for you. It can sometimes be hard to figure out what type of girl is worth pursuing.

With this quiz, I will asses your personality, and then tell you which type of girl you would get along the best with! All you have to do is answer each question as openly and truthfully as you can.

Created by: Kelly
  1. How do you feel about social media?
  2. What hairstyle do you like best on a girl?
  3. What kind of music do you listen to?
  4. What activity would you most want to do with your girlfriend?
  5. What do you like the most about having a girlfriend?
  6. Which snack sounds the most appealing to you?
  7. What turns you on the most?
  8. How do you feel about marijuana?
  9. If you had to spend 3 months on a desert island, what 3 things would you bring with you?
  10. What career sounds the most appealing to you?

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Quiz topic: What type of girl do I like? (Guys only)