what type of darkness is in you?

What is dark without light, and what is light with out dark. We would not know. And you know what else is true? Sadness and darkness are natural cousins. Since ancient times, people have worn black to express their grief. Happiness is attracted to sunshine and depression to darkness. There is a certain romance in darkness and melancholy. There is something mysterious about that which is hidden and unknown.

There are many, many diferent types, types of dark, suffocating dark, and the types shown in my quiz. I am every type of dark, well with the exclusion of suffocating darkness and angel. What are you; what path are you on?

Created by: Kuroichi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats ur fave animal?
  2. If you had two (or one) word(s) to decribe yourself what would it be?
  3. if you could pick a name in any language, what would you like your name to be
  4. Not even close to the end
  5. your best friend is fataly injuried what do u do?
  6. do you work?
  7. Do you mooch off your friends?
  8. last question. you ready
  9. last question for real
  10. hahahahahahahahaha fooled u!
  11. are you emo
  12. does your mom know your emo?
  13. OMG DONT KILL ME!!!!!!!!!! Oh, *stratens tie* NOw, what is your fave color?
  14. what color do you what your eyes?
  15. This'll be the last question if you stop bugging me*flipps someone off* uhhh...*blank screen*

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