What Type Of Cat Are You?

There are many cats. Many, many... But, they are based on their character, behavior etc. It's hard to find one that matches you. Here you can find out everything you want with very interesting questions!

Are you a tiger? Or cheetah? Or just maine coon? You can only ask yourself that. BUT, thanks to this quiz you can find out! There are many options, interesting questions and stuff. Enjoy!

Created by: Zrinka
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What seems most like you?
  2. Who is most important to you?
  3. What/Who do you HATE the most?
  4. What do you like to eat (if you are a cat)?
  5. You are shot by hunter, you...
  6. Your only cub has died, you...
  7. You are starving and there is nothing to catch in circle of 50 miles. But, there is your cub, you...
  8. You have to choose between your soulmate and cub, you choose...
  9. You found lost lion cub, you...
  10. What is the worst death for you?
  11. Last question. Did you like this quiz (no effect at all)?

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Cat am I?