What type of cat are YOU?

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This quiz was created by a new pet Blogger on this website (emerysluckycat.wordpress.com). Many people love pets, and so does this blogger. They made this quiz because, well, pets inevitably ROCK!

Do you ever wonder what type of cat you would be, if you were of the feline race? Looking to pin-point your personality? Want something to do? Then this is the perfect quiz for you! The creative questions asked and fun answers will keep you interested! Also, please check out our blog if you have the time and love pets. Enjoy! :)

Created by: minniemoo101 of EmerysLuckyCat
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You're at your friends house. Your friend waits a couple minutes before whispering in your ear "Let's steal some candy from my Dad's secret stash in the kitchen." You....
  2. When going to the Park by yourself, you...
  3. Finally-You've done it! You were accepted into the school blogging group! Right off the bat, you...
  4. What's your usual clothing style...?
  5. When someone asks you what job you'd like to have, you say...
  6. What do you think is a good way to pass the time at home?
  7. You turn on the TV and decide to watch...
  8. You're looking through a cookbook to find the perfect cookie recipe. You end up picking out...
  9. It's your Mom's birthday tomorrow. The present you're going to give her is...
  10. Will you check out my Blog about pets? :) I would really appreciate it if you did! (emerysluckycat.wordpress.com)

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Quiz topic: What type of cat am I?