what type of attractive are you?(opinion)

find out what type of attractive you are. warning my opinions don't matter and if you don't like the result then gud 4 yew. I like pizza. I made pizza yesterday.

are you sexy. probably not. jk I dont know yet.4iufbi3y4fvb3fvb3vfyrhfvwefb1wehfv1hvfhwjefbwhevfbchwevfbchwfbwhfbchrbfrhrbfhrbfhrfbhrfbrhyfbhebfhefbhebfhebf

Created by: spongestar
  1. if you are dating someone and they cheated what would be your response.
  2. body type.
  3. you would describe you personality as.
  4. the friends you hand out with are.
  5. how many people have you dated.
  6. what do you do when you like someone
  7. height
  8. are you a human?
  9. are you talkative
  10. blah

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Quiz topic: What type of attractive am I?(opinion)