What type of anime watcher are you? (NOT FOR NORMIES)

This is a test in MY OPINION so don't take it personally but its most likely true. Idk what else to put here except HAVE FUN IG. The questions Questions are the whole point of the quiz, so be sure to think up some good ones! Avoid too many "gag" answers (obviously incorrect), but also do not let on which answer the quiz-taker is "supposed to" pick.You can also edit, delete, or re-order the questions you've added!

Before the start of every quiz, there are two brief paragraphs explaining the quiz. These are an important "finishing touch" giving quiz-takers some background on your topic or info on what to expect from your quiz.

Created by: Kakyoins
  1. How much anime have you FINISHED?
  2. How many Waifus/Husbandos do you have
  3. Do you have anime posters in your room?
  4. Figurines?
  5. Manga??
  6. Be honest...Do you have a husbando(s) in an anime you haven't watched (CLIPS OR TIK TOKS DONT COUNT)
  7. Do you reference things from an anime you haven't watched?
  8. Have you watched a hens tie?
  9. if someone said there favorite anime was Naruto or My hero academia what would you do?
  10. Do you like this quiz?? Should I make a part 2?

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Quiz topic: What type of anime watcher am I? (NOT FOR NORMIES)
