What Type Of Alcohol Are You?

Drinking alcohol is something that just about everyone does at some point in their life. Some start earlier than others, but it's not really that bad of a crime, is it? The bigger question maybe be where certain drinks have their own personality or not.

Some people do while others think it's a bit of nonsense. Although this quiz was made specifically for a site, I truly hope to see that other people are taking it find it interesting. You never know what the result will be.

Created by: Riley
  1. Your alarm clock goes off, signal you that it's time to start the day. What's your reaction?
  2. When you go out to the bar, what's your usual outfit?
  3. What's your dream house like?
  4. Ever been pulled over by a cop?
  5. What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?
  6. What's your favorite color?
  7. What keeps you up at night?
  8. The first thing you notice about a person is:
  9. Do you have your own personal motto?
  10. What's one thing that's on your bucket list?

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Alcohol am I?