What tipe of person are you?

In school,there are a lot of times of kids there.There are famous,Jr famous,sports kids,low levels,and loners.By the way,do you know witch one you are?

What are you?Are you a soft kind loner?Or a sporty person?Or maybe a Jr famous,or A FAMOUS!!! Who are you?How do you know?One will think all day,months,YEARS,and 10000 YEARS FOR THIS!!!

Created by: Sparky2014

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. OK here are the tipes of person you can get,highest class to lowest class HIGH -Popular boy/girl -Jr.popular boy/girl -Sports boy/girl -Low class -Loner
  2. OK now for some rell ?,got it! What do you do when it lunch time at school.
  3. What is your fav color?
  4. What games do you play?
  5. What do you think of girls(For boys if you are a girl then say I GIRL)
  6. If a girl/boy that you have a crush on walks next to you then walks off,what do you do?
  7. It is math class,then what do you do?
  8. what do you do on week ends?
  9. Patato?
  10. What dose the world mean:Pototo

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Quiz topic: What tipe of person am I?