What Taylor swift song are you?

I love making quizzes! Sorry but I have to put more words so here comes random letters......... Firciwncfjebckhkrbcjvgbeovbogndovkrvco lrovnrgpnrjvl peghekvnevodnggfrjfkgmrj Lol

Do u love Taylor Swift????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????...........................................

Created by: Stef
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a romantic person?
  2. Would you dance out in the rain if you could?
  3. What colour are your eyes?
  4. Do you love animals?
  5. What smily are you?
  6. What does your name start with?
  7. Lol...
  8. Whats your fav animal?
  9. Are you getting bored?
  10. Will you most likely comment on this??

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Quiz topic: What Taylor swift song am I?