What symbolic animal are you?

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Many people, many personalities. You can get a general classification here. No promises that you will find the exact match for yours, but you can look at the scores and make your own.

You maybe a sparrow bear cross. You maybe a definite sparrow. You will be offered advice at the end of this quiz, I suggest you take it. We all have some room for improvement!

Created by: Sarah Brandt
  1. A person you don't know is talking to you. You;
  2. How do you behave at school/work?
  3. How many public outings do you go on a month?
  4. What do you do on the weekends?
  5. what's your favorite place?
  6. What color is the room you are in now?
  7. Are you taking this quiz?
  8. Who are you in a relationship with?
  9. What is the best thing that ever happened to you?
  10. Which symbolic animal are you?

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Quiz topic: What symbolic animal am I?