What Soccer Team Will You Play For?

If you arnt passionate about football then how are you going to be a footballer if you dont want to be one then dont bother doing this quiz because you wont understand it

So who will you play for no one? Or will you be so good that you can play for whoever you want alot of the questions have no effect so if you get bored quickly done do this quiz

Created by: Ollie
  1. Do you like soccer
  2. Who s your favourite out of these
  3. Whos your favourite player
  4. The next questions dont count
  5. Are you gay
  6. What country
  7. Are you rich
  8. What music
  9. One more question
  10. Ipod or Ipad

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Quiz topic: What Soccer Team will I Play For? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Soccer Quiz category.