What short hairstyle would look best on you? Guys

This is a quiz about three short hairstyles. Do you wan to be bald, get a epic Mohawk, or keep it simple with a buzz cut? This quiz is for guys, sorry girls!

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Created by: Dograpsbball22
  1. You walk into a barber shop when someone asks for a headshave. What do you do
  2. If you had to choose one, which would you pick.
  3. If your girlfriend said to shave your head or leave her, which would you choose
  4. Truth or dare?
  5. Dare: Get a tattoo and piercing
  6. Truth: do you want to shave your head?
  7. If you had long hair, how would you style it?
  8. If you had long hair, and you had it cut, how would you get it cut?
  9. Would you rather get a piercing or have no more hair
  10. You are at a party, when there is a raffle for a free makeover, and you win! What makeover do you get?

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