What Sent Are You

"A lot of people have signature scents. But what does a that scent say about you? Do certain scents define your personality? What does it mean to have a signature scent?

What is your scent? What fragrance matches your personality? After this quiz what bottle will you go buy? In a little bit you will know what scent is you.

Created by: Cassandra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite place?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What makes you happy?
  4. What is your favorite genres?
  5. Your style is...
  6. You dream about...
  7. What is your favorite class?
  8. You decorate your room with...
  9. What camp would you go to?
  10. What is your favorite drink?

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Quiz topic: What Sent am I