What's your wing color

Everyone has had the wish to fly at some point. But have you ever wondered what color your wings would be if you had them? Take this quiz to find the wing color matching your personality.

Everyone has had the wish to fly at some point. But have you ever wondered what color your wings would be if you had them? Take this quiz to find the wing color matching your personality.

Created by: Zeva
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your idea of fun??
  2. Pick a color. (I no the dreaded fav color question but I ran out on ideas)
  3. You hear a child has been abused and bullied p. What do you do?
  4. What do you wish to do for a job???
  5. What music do you like??
  6. If you had wings, what would you do with them?
  7. What is your favorite animal?
  8. Which power do you wish you had?
  9. (This one doesn't count) Did u like the quiz?
  10. (This one doesn't count ether.) Are you ready for the results?

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Quiz topic: What's my wing color