What's Your Helix Waltz Element?

Hey, everyone! I know none of you are probably going to read this paragraph (I know I wouldn't), but I can't publish this quiz unless I put something here.

While I'm trying to meet word count, I may as well say that my friend ID on the game is 311244, so feel free to add me! I try to vote for friends in the Contest of Illusion whenever I think of it, haha.

Created by: Zaveri
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. If you had the chance to learn one kind of magic, what would you choose?
  3. What, in your opinion, is the most important quality of a man?
  4. If you could have any pet, what would you want?
  5. Which of these weapons would you prefer?
  6. I need at least 10 questions to publish this quiz, so I'm literally going to use gibberish from here. Feel free to just click through these next few questions at random until you reach the end!Sorry for the inconvenience, but all the other quiz makers required me to pay. ):
  7. woinmwoknbwkonrwejkenblkjm
  8. wgjnwgoinwpmjvpowecpkw
  9. rgoibemekweweonigrnsdkm
  10. sgnwoivmvlkrwgmlweg

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