What remastered member is your soulmate

Above your quiz there will be two paragraphs that introduce and explain your quiz. Write them here..Next, please write a long text paragraph message..

Questions are the whole point of the quiz, so be sure to think up some good ones! Avoid too many "gag" answers You can also edit, delete, or remake it

Created by: Remastered
  1. Would you rather live in...
  2. Your worst fear.
  3. Pick a song.
  4. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  5. Choose some lyrics
  6. Pick a word.
  7. Choose a quote
  8. Favorite color
  9. I'd rather be killed by....
  10. Lastly: What's your ideal location for a date

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Quiz topic: What remastered member is my soulmate
