What rank are you in the pack?

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Wolves belong to family groups called packs, they usually consist of eight to fifteen-members. The rare exception is what is popularly know as a "lone wolf", this wolf would most likely be the lowest member of a pack (the omega) that was driven out of the pack, if it is lucky, the "lone wolf" may find a mate and start a new pack.

What rank are you in the wolf pack? Are you the leader of the pack, alpha? Are you the noble beta? Are you the wise gamma? Are you trusted delta? Are you the Guardian of the pack, the Epsilon? Are you the helpful Theta, and Iota? Let's find out!

Created by: StormWolf
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A pack war has started! You...
  2. When do you eat once the hunters find a snack for the pack?
  3. What food do you prefer?
  4. A human is trying to kill a pack member! You...
  5. Do you like taking care of the pups?
  6. What job for the pack do you want?
  7. Do you like doctors?
  8. Are you bored?
  9. The alpha female is having a pup! What do you do?
  10. An outsider wolf has entered you pack's territory! What do you do?

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Quiz topic: What rank am I in the pack?