What Protector member are you?

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"The Protectors©" Is a Superhero team made for kids Created by E.H.I (Epic Hero Inc.). They are teens and love to fool around answer the questions to find out what Protector you are.

You can be: DJ the Superhero, Hot Shot (the OG), Double Dude, The Great Phoenix, GJ the Superhero, Epic Spider-Man, Long-Spider (The Long-Spider from #4), and Lady-Spider.

Created by: E.H.I
  1. What role do you think you possess
  2. Fav color
  3. What's you gender
  4. Age
  5. Fav Marvel Super hero (No effect)
  6. Hero or Villains (BIG EFFECT)
  7. Public school, Home school or NO SCHOOL
  8. Comics (Picture books) or BIG WORD BOOKS (Lots of Chapters in a chapter book)
  9. Pick an Element
  10. Who do you think you are (No effect)

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Quiz topic: What Protector member am I?

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