What pez are you?

There are many types of pez but are YOU one? If you don't know what a pez is you should take this quiz and after you're done go to the store and buy what ever you are.

Can you become a pez ore end up eating one? CAn you be a lamb,bunny snow white ore be a candey part instead of a desepencer? now, if you really wanna know take this quiz!

Created by: Pezzie
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite animal?
  3. What is your favorite disney chareter?
  4. What is you favorite mascot?
  5. Okay the rest are random questions. Do you like jello?
  6. How much do you care for the earth? (1 for the lowest and 6 for the highest)
  7. LAst question,your thoughts?
  8. I fooled you! Thoughts anyone?
  9. If you have webkinz how many do you have?
  10. Okay the REAL LAST question.Do you have a brother/sister?

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Quiz topic: What pez am I?