What pet you should have

U want an animal. We'll take this quiz and see which one is best. For u because the right animal is the best animal for u and I hope might try to be Awesome

Do you want to know what pet should u should. Have well your fixing to find out what pet u should have this is so exciting. Is it not have fun taking it

Created by: Kiley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color is your eyes
  2. What is your favorite sport
  3. What is the weather like where you live
  4. Are you very active
  5. Do u want a pet with a lot of care needed for it
  6. Do u have room for big animals
  7. Are u allergic.to fur
  8. Are you home a lot
  9. Which name do u like better
  10. Do u like dressing up your pets

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