What NBA Career would you have?

In this quiz you find out what type of NBA Career you would be. Are you a bust? Are you a Legend? Are you a super star? Are you average? Find out in this quiz.

You be asked different questions based on different situations that may come upon you in the real life. Go through High School, College and the NBA. Enjoy.

Created by: NBA Career maker
  1. There is 15 seconds left and the score is 64-66 and you are down.
  2. High School is over where do you go for college?
  3. How long are you in college for?
  4. You are the 7th pick in the NBA draft and picked by the 76ers. What do you want your role to be?
  5. What kind of Player did the 76ers just draft?
  6. How much money are you expecting to get each year?
  7. You sign with the 76ers on a 4m on 3years. You play great through your first 10 games and average......
  8. Your team is 52-25 (1st Seed) and are playing your rival team when you feel a pain in your foot. You are on fire with 17 PTS 8 REB 6 AST 2 STL 1 BLK
  9. You guys finish as the 1st seed (55-27) and are playing the Nets. What did you average in the season?
  10. You sweep the Nets and go to five games in the semifinals as you win against the Celtics. You are tied in the conference finals and are down 129-125.
  11. You guys hit a three and now the score is 129-128. Just then you feel a big pain in your foot.
  12. Your team loses the game 131-128. The next two years you make it far in the playoffs but never win.
  13. The next year you win the MVP award by averaging.
  14. You are 27 will you
  15. You have a chance to play in the G League at age 40 for 5 million dollars.

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