What Nature Element Are You?

Wanna learn what element you are? Well then you have come to the right place! Just answer these quick questions and find out. Maybe you'll learn something new about yourself...

This quiz is for fun so please don't take anything to seriously. It might be incorrect to how you actually are, if that is the case please don't get mad at me for it.

Created by: ABCapple123
  1. What is your favorite time of day?
  2. What is your age?
  3. Which would you rather eat for a snack?
  4. What would you rather drink?
  5. How many hours of sleep do you get most nights?
  6. What type of pet do you have or want to have?
  7. What is your gender?
  8. What type of job do you have or want to have?
  9. What type of music do you listen to?
  10. What element do feel more in tune with?
  11. Apple or Android?
  12. Which one would you want?
  13. What type or writing do you prefer doing?
  14. What color scheme do you like best?
  15. Do you like singing?
  16. Have you enjoyed the quiz so far?
  17. Are you going to rate it?

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Quiz topic: What Nature Element am I?
