What Mythical Horse Should You Have?

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This is a quiz that I made for fun! Have you ever wondered what mythical horse to have (no offense taken if no)? Well here is a quiz for you!!! Sorry for the ! Marks.

Thanks for taking this quiz. It took me at least two hours and fifteen minutes to create it. Just kidding! It took me one hour and fifteen minutes to create it...

Created by: FanWing101
  1. You're in a dream, but everywhere you look is lava. Something keeps whispering "This isn't a nightmare, this isn't a nightmare." What do you do?
  2. You (last answer). But as you do - you notice the dream fades into a soothing tranquil forest. Now what?
  3. You wake up. You get dressed and head for the door. Where do you go?
  4. You want to go to (last answer). But your friend is at the door, with a worried face...
  5. You (last answer). They tell you their dog died... what now?
  6. Role-play done for now! Next question... Do you like swimming?
  7. Do you like flying in airplanes? Or do you prefer cars more?
  8. You find a mysterious object... what is it?
  9. You eat breakfast... what do you eat/drink?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Mythical Horse should I Have?
