what mythical beast are you

find out wich mythical animal you are well we shoudant say mythical they may still be around .....

ok so take this quiz and find out what mythical beast is you also tell your friends so they can find out to.

Created by: shadowwolf
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how would you describe yor temperment
  2. what is your fav food
  3. wich of these describs you best
  4. ok this counts for nothing just to fill up space whats your fave kind of juice
  5. what would you like to be
  6. why did you take this quiz
  7. got to get this done random qustion: are you good at dancing
  8. ok what do you not want to be
  9. 1 more qustion after this where would you live if you were a mytical beast
  10. last one did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: What mythical beast am I