What movie character are you

This quiz will tell you what movie character you are if you enjoy then please share this with friends if you are 18-7 do not take this quiz if you are over 18 then take this quiz

Hotfxfdsdttrdcffdbddyxstcyafysdyassh tvxhgjsegt stgwydegfrgcsy dizygotic. Ffdffff. Rsgsyffyfhhfdfgg. Efsgxgdgdt

Created by: Ella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What pet would you want?
  2. What movie do you like?
  3. Should yo be any animal you could choose?
  4. If you could move where would you go?
  5. How many times would you move if you could?
  6. How many pets do you have?
  7. What time/year did frozen come out?
  8. Who would you like to be?(you tuber)
  9. What is your dream job?
  10. How would you treat a wife/husband or a bf/gf?

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Quiz topic: What movie character am I