What mha/bnha character is your bestie?

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Hey I'm back with another quiz. I try to post everyday okay. Any this is who your mha/bnha character bestie would be. Please let me know, because I would love to know!

Results: Mina, Denki, Deku, Uraraka, Kirishima, Bakugo, Todoroki and sadly the grape kid, the midget, the perv Minetta *sighs* sorry whoever gets him, I feel bad for you.

Created by: Quizuser
  1. What quirk would you have?
  2. Who's your favourite character?Ps. None of the results
  3. Who is your least favourite character?
  4. Which one?
  5. Would you rather?
  6. RP! Mina invites you over for a sleepover! You come and see that everyone's arguing about what to play. You break the fight by choosing what?
  7. Truth or dare: it's your turn and you choose...
  8. Never have I ever: "never have I ever thought about Minetta in a good way (finger down if yes)
  9. 2 truths 1 lie: Mina: "1 my quirk made my skin pink. 2 I have a crush on kiri (yes I ship them). And 3 I'm bi." (Choose the answer you think is correct.
  10. RP over. Did you like it?
  11. Favourite colour?
  12. Let fate decide

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Quiz topic: What mha/bnha character is my bestie?
