What Messy Punishment do You Deserve?

Have you ever wondered what messy, disgusting, gross punishment you deserves was, well here’s the quiz! This quiz features very simple questions and very thought out results

This quiz can be taken for many reasons. Maybe you need punished for some reason, or for fun, or just to see results. But remember, you must complete your punishment!

Created by: Crest
  1. What are you?
  2. In school, what was your label?
  3. What underwear do you wear?
  4. What’s your favorite fruit?
  5. What’s your favorite desert?
  6. What’s your favorite subject
  7. What’s your favorite vegetable
  8. Why are you taking this quiz? Wont affect
  9. Will you complete what the results say?
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Messy Punishment do I Deserve?

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