what magical character are you?

everyone wants to know what mythical creature they are, so click here to find out! are you living, dead or somewhere inbetween?everyone will be talking about this test soon enough!

everyone wants to know what mythical creature they are, so click here to find out! are you living, dead or somewhere inbetween?everyone will be talking about this test soon enough....:P

Created by: lisa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats your favorite color?
  2. where would you be?
  3. do you believe in magic?
  4. whats your idea of clothing?
  5. whats your favorite book?
  6. do you like ghost stories?
  7. did you like the quiz?
  8. what do you think of pie?
  9. do you want to know what you got?
  10. living or dead?

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Quiz topic: What magical character am I?