What magic colours are you (percentages)

So this is forcing me to write s--- so I rebel kvjslnfheixjhduwpsldkhdowkxnciwlxniskdnciekchiejsjdndjkdnfjekdncikendjdkfnjdjehfidjdjifkejfjdijenfjekrnrj

They asked to put some effort in it dkfnusicnfjdjfnjfjfhfjfjfhislwlwojdceoekfjrndjifjfjfuididjfhfhdhf---d also no net speak bb b4 m8 tmi smh omg wtf fml

Created by: Karla
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who should rule?
  2. What do you think about physical violence?
  3. How can peace be obtained?
  4. What is your world view?
  5. What do you think of art?
  6. Do you think nature should be held above humans?
  7. What is the highest priority for you?
  8. If you had to kill a loved one to save a bus full of random strangers would you?
  9. What is your favorite type colour?
  10. What is your ideal world like?

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Quiz topic: What magic colours am I (percentages)