What Lord of the Rings Online are you?

I made this quiz specially because I found there are not many around to help both new and veteran players to find out which LotRO class could they be. The other reason I make it, is to help my wife with picking classes whenever starting a new character. This is the first quiz I make, so I hope you enjoy it. Also I want to apologize for any incongruity, English is not my native language, but I made it in English so more people can make use of it.

I'll try to update it if I find any flaw with the answers, so any advice is welcome. Also, I don't claim to be an expert in LotRO lore or mechanics, and most of the answers come directly from lotrowiki.com Check that page for more information.

Created by: Edgar Wolfsbane
  1. Which race of Middle-Earth would you like to belong to?
  2. What weapon would you want to wield in battle?
  3. What kind of armour would you rather wear?
  4. What role would you play in a fellowship during a quest/raid?
  5. Do you go questing with a companion (pet) or by yourself?
  6. Can/would you use a shield?
  7. Ok now, it's time for some roleplay: You are travelling across the Lone-lands and you suddenly see a black figure coming your way, how do you react?
  8. You are preparing to depart on an adventure, but after walking some miles, you realize you forgot something at home, what is it?
  9. Before finishing, the most typical question in every single quiz out there: Pick a color (it matters)
  10. Ok, last question: What stat do you think is your strongest?

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Quiz topic: What Lord of the Rings Online am I?

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