What Lmanburg character are you

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This is a fun quiz that will determine your dream SMP character. I made this for fun since i started watching around late August and Lmanburg has always been the side I chose.

I will try to make a dream team one but that will be a while. This quiz is short and if your bored you can do this quiz, that is all I hope you enjoy!

Created by: Delaney
  1. Whats your favorite animal?
  2. What is one word that describes you?
  3. what is your favorite color?
  4. If you were camping with friends, what would you do?
  5. If you were at the mall with your friends, what would you buy?
  6. If you had to build out of one block what would it be?
  7. If you had to trust somebody who would it be?
  8. If you had to run away, what would the reason be?
  9. If dream asked to team with you, what would your response be?
  10. If war were to happen, whose side would you be on?

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Quiz topic: What Lmanburg character am I
