what linux distro do you need

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this will tell you what linux distro you need with 12 questions. there's nothing other to say then that. but that. dsfghjk,yguyrtesfgdhjkytrsfdghjkgfd

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Created by: Tanner9078
  1. how well can you use linux
  2. are you a gamer
  3. do you like flat design (modern design)
  4. do you really think newer all ways is better
  5. do you download a lot of media
  6. do you know what GNU is
  7. when was linux first made
  8. when was linux made open source
  9. pick the best linux desktop environment
  10. are you a hacker
  11. how would you install something
  12. what did bash (the linux command line) come from

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Quiz topic: What linux distro do I need

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