What level of loser are you?

This is a true quiz of how what level your on...see im zachs slave jonny trulove...and Zach is the best of the best and thats why i made this quiz and this ali gurl shes just sum serbian loser

I really don't think ur ready to find out ur level of loserness because its all tru and if ur on alis level thats really bad!! u jus need to upin ur coolness ASAP!!!

Created by: Zach
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you have mood swings when your drunk?
  2. When your at a party are you the one that everyone considers Crazy?
  3. when your at somebodys house do you sit there and sing everysong that comes to mind at the kitchen table?
  4. How dumb are you?
  5. When are you at your peak? (when you get f---ed up)
  6. how do you drink at parties?
  7. what do you do when you get punched?
  8. Are you a loser?
  9. Do you think your a loser?
  10. Is your name ali?

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Quiz topic: What level of loser am I?