What Latex Dresses are your Favorite?

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I asked you on a poll which quiz you want. You want this quiz, and couple of others. I'm releasing them for you, and I'm happy that you voted on, "What quiz would you like?"

This quiz is aimed towards girls. This isn't a quiz that guys should take. If your a guy who wears dresses. Then, your weird because, guys should dress masculine, as much as possible.

Created by: Kristopher Wright
  1. Do you wear dresses?
  2. Do you wear rubbery ones?
  3. Are you allergic to them?
  4. What's your favorite color?
  5. Who are you trying to impress?
  6. Are you a girl?
  7. Do you wear your dress to school?
  8. Do you feel pretty in a dress?
  9. Do you feel comfortable in them?
  10. Do you wear them at a party?

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Quiz topic: What Latex Dresses am Ir Favorite?
