What kind of seme or uke are you?

Have a check what kind of seme or uke are you?welcome to my quiz.Just read the questions and answer them.It easy.First of all answer truly to see the true results!

Do as I said so you are fine with it! There only a few questions sorry also. I don't have any idea also this is my first quiz so sorry again . I will do better next time.

Created by: Cassandra
  1. Describe your lover
  2. Look!someone is touching your lover and he/she seem not very liking it
  3. It's your birthday.your lover cooking for your dinner.He/she hand you over the menu but it is all his/her name.what will you do?
  4. Let me ask you?what is your favourite body parts of your lover?
  5. How will respond to your lover if he/she ask u to hang out with him/her and asking you to choose a place?
  6. Your lover is wearing something that really show her/his skin.
  7. Your lover is holding your hand.how do you feel?
  8. Do you my quiz?(this won't effect the results)
  9. This is my first one so sorry if I make mistake(this won't also effect the results)
  10. What is your favourite colour?

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Quiz topic: What kind of seme or uke am I?
