What kind of school girl are you?

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Hello! And welcome to a quiz that says what type of school girl you are! Maybe you wont know what type of person you are and it’s ok if you don’t have a really good result! Remember, it’s just a website! Not a psychiatrist!

Here you have to click the check box to say your answer! Good luck and again, don’t over react about your results in the comments! And thank you for participating in the quiz! And remember, be honest!

Created by: BlossomQuizies
  1. How do you treat your friends?
  2. Do you often do your homework after school (like in the bus or somewhere else)
  3. Do you get bullied at school?
  4. Do you think that you get dramatic at school?
  5. Do you want / like to be the teachers pet?
  6. Do you mock the bus driver or other people in the bus?
  7. Do you like staying at home or at school
  8. If you would, would you miss classes in school?
  9. What would you describe yourself as? (Your answers won’t be in the results)
  10. What would your job be?

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Quiz topic: What kind of school girl am I?
