What kind of ScaleDragon are you?

Do you want to know what type of ScaleDragon you are? This is the right quiz. These dragons are just different types of humans converted into dragon versions. I hope you enjoy the quiz!

You could also say that this is the same as Wins of Fire, and yes, I did get the inspiration from the awesome Tui T. Sutherland and her AWSOME series of Wing of Fire. I have read every single book from 2012-2020. Wow~.

Created by: Nayla Henry
  1. Which one fits your personality more?
  2. What do you normally do in class?
  3. What do you do Recess and Lunch?
  4. How many friends do you have?
  5. Do you like being popular?
  6. I like "_________" most out of these.
  7. Are you usually bored?
  8. Which animal is most like you?
  9. What is one is the one you prefer most?
  10. Pick a Letter

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Quiz topic: What kind of ScaleDragon am I?
