what kind of number are you?

there are many numbers out there! what kind of number are you? well take this qiuz and find out! it is awsome! pluse if you need help or if there is a prob. just contact me. :

what kind of number are you? this quiz you can find out! i hope you have funn taking this qiuz and i hope you like your result! just leave a comment and sare you results! have a blast!

Created by: Surkiakia RB
  1. how many time do you jump for joy?
  2. how do say hello?
  3. how do you talk to your ffriends?
  4. what do you do when you get home?
  5. what do you do when you go on facebook?
  6. how you doing to day?
  7. i got bored with the questions.... how can some one come up with 12 q!!!!! how bout you?
  8. omg!!!3 more to go.... what to talk bout..... hmmm
  9. so puppy are cute right?
  10. yay last one! did youlike this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What kind of number am I?