What Kind Of Lunchclub Stan Are You?

Find out what kind of stan/fan you are! Maybe you're a giant fan or just an occasional watcher! Maybe you're annoying asf. Idk. Find out yourself you f---ing loser.

By Lunchclub I just mean smplive . Like anyone part of it, if that's still too hard for you to understand that means anyone friends with Lunchclub outside of Lunchclub.

Created by: stannie
  1. Do you watch their videos?
  2. Do you watch their streams?
  3. Do you respect them and don't do what they don't want you to do [sexualise, write fanfictions]
  4. Do you own any of their merchandise, this includes youtoozes?
  5. Do you do your hardest to get a notice?
  6. How many people do you stan/enjoy the most?
  7. Do you ever donate to them in streams/ are you subbed.[sub w/ twitch prime :) ]
  8. Are you part of any these: smptwt, smpinsta, smpblr [smp wattpad???]
  9. Do you draw them fanart?
  10. Do you make any content of them that isn't art [fancams, edits (both photos and video)]

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Lunchclub Stan am I?
