What kind of lover are you? created by Andrea

I decided to make this quiz because there is a lot of people out there who think they are satisfying their loved one and they are dead wrong, my quiz gives people a chance to change before it's too late!

My quiz is about the kind of lover you may be, I have been in relationships where the other person says they were happy and come to find out they were not, if you have ever wondered what someone else may think of you in bed you may want to take this quiz.

Created by: andrea

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How often do you preform oral sex on your partner?
  2. Your lover wants to try something new what do you do?
  3. would you be involved in a threesome if it would please your lover?
  4. Your lover is in the shower..you are feeling a little freaky, what do you do?
  5. Your lover wants to watch a xxx movie with you...you?
  6. Your lover wants to experiment with making love in a public place..you?
  7. Your lover asks you to strip for them..you?
  8. You feel satisfied every time you make love?
  9. You are in a deep sleep & your lover wakes you up by kissing your fav. place..you?
  10. Do you think you are a great lover?

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Quiz topic: What kind of lover am I? created by Andrea