What kind of girl are you?

Some people are outgoing, while others are shy. Some people are popular, while others are not. Of course there's some geeky kids too. But do you know which one YOU are?

YOU could be that popular kid that everyone likes! YOU could be that kid who is super smart! YOU could be the shy kid in the class! Take this awesome quiz to find out who YOU are!

Created by: guardsofgahoole85
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. At a party, what would you wear?
  2. How big is your closet?
  3. Do you have many friends?
  4. Do you have an email account?
  5. Your halfway through...what do you think you are going to be?
  6. What type of music do you like best?
  7. Have you ever had a sleepover?
  8. Do you wear make-up?
  9. Do you play online a lot?
  10. Do other people look up to you?
  11. Are you scared of spiders?
  12. You're done! How did you like the quiz (please rate below)?

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Quiz topic: What kind of girl am I?