What kind of furry are you

This quiz will determine weather or not you are this furry or that furry and it is about 90% results I hope that's good enough and this is my first quiz so please don't say it's bad please

And the results you can get are cat furry,dog furry,wolf furry,bunny furry,dragon furry,fox furry,and a dutch angel dragon furry aren't those all cool types of furries?

Created by: Danielle
  1. Which animal are you most interested in?
  2. If you could have real wings would you get them?
  3. Which of these foods do you like the most?
  4. Which one do you think you will be?
  5. Do you have anything animal themed?
  6. Have you watched white fang?
  7. Have you watched a whisker away?
  8. Do you have a pet bunny?
  9. Do you have a pet at all?
  10. Have you ever eaten cat food?

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Quiz topic: What kind of furry am I
