What kind of flower are you?

What kind of flower are you? Answer these questions to find out whether you are a tulip, daisy, sunflower, or bird of paradise and what that means for your personality!

Whether you're taking this quiz because you need help to decide what to plant in your garden, for kicks, or just to kill time since you woke up at 3:00 am this is for you!

Created by: Aimee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which activity do you enjoy most?
  2. About how many people do you consider friends?
  3. How many books do you have in your home
  4. What kind of house would you like to live in one day?
  5. The number of late bill payments you had in the past 30 days is
  6. Your idea of a fun dinner is
  7. In your garden you:
  8. What color would you paint a room?
  9. When you need to talk to someone about something important, you
  10. A friend asks you to borrow some money, you

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Quiz topic: What kind of flower am I?